The Power Of A Referral Is 80% More Effective Than Cold Calling For Getting New Business.

What is referral networking?

What’s it all about and how can it help businesses build new contacts and expand into markets that have previously been inaccessible? Well, if there’s one person who should know the answer to those questions it’s John Fisher, founder and director of the Business for Breakfast referral network. If John doesn’t know the answers to those questions, then no-one does. These are John’s thoughts on referral networking, the beauty of the BforB referral networking platform and his plans for future expansion overseas.

Why is referral networking so effective?

“Business referral networking is one of the most effective ways people can grow their own businesses. The power of a referral is 80% more effective than cold calling for getting new business. A friend of a friend and a personal introduction is worth 10 cold calls. Business for Breakfast networking works for all businesses across all sectors provided you’re serious about growing your business and feel that you want to contribute something back to other like-minded businesses in your local area.”

Why should businesses be networking with a platform like Business for Breakfast?

“Well, you should be networking with us because it helps you generate new opportunities, and these opportunities lead to new contacts and they, in turn, lead to new business. The unique thing about the Business for Breakfast referral system is that it works best for its members because it works in a particular way: it’s all about getting to know, like and trust other businesses people who [like you] are actually interested in putting something back into their local business community.”

What next for Business for Breakfast? What plans have you got?

“BforB’s vision has always been not to be the biggest [referral network] but the best. So in terms of our system, what many members tell us is that it does change their businesses for the better. We’re all about retaining our members year-on-year, so we intend to build on the good work we’ve been doing over the last 14 years and try to help more new businesses prosper through the BforB referral networking system both here in the UK and increasingly abroad in countries like the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Australia and New Zealand, and hopefully in the Philippines and other countries in South East Asia.”