
This is your invitation. It is your time to take your place in Australia’s fastest growing Business Support network. Where relationships matter, and referrals make a difference. Where we support your business as a whole, and help you turn wishes into goals, and dreams into reality.

The BforB Business Model is based on the concept of referral-based networking. Where small, intimate and tightly knit teams drive strong relationships between each other based on a great understanding and deep respect for what each member delivers through their business, expanding those networks to neighbouring groups – and right across Australia.

Focused on strengthening micro, small and medium business across Australia, BforB is the right place for you if you are looking:

1. For a great environment to build deep relationships with people across many industries

2. To drive business growth through trusted relationships and quality referrals and introductions

3. To identify strategic alliances for your business to improve profitability

4. To dramatically improve your skills in pitching, networking and selling exactly what you do

5. To grow your business, achieve and exceed your goals, and increase cash in the bank

Established in the UK in 2001, BforB Australia launched very softly when Sarah Cobb brought the BforB License into Australia. Spending considerable time in 2016 and 2017 building a strong technological platform, and creating an environment which delivers extraordinary support in the personal and professional development support of our members across the Eastern States of Australian and into South Australia.

More Than Just Referrals, BforB Delivers:

  • Access to Member Development Days and professional and personal development
  • Leadership roles with Australia’s leading franchisee coach coaching you in managing teams and KPIs
  • The opportunity to set goals and work with a support team to achieve and EXCEED those goals
  • Building a network of referral partners and strategic alliances which deliver real results
  • The opportunity to promote your business at least every fortnight to your virtual/extended sales team
  • BforB App and online platforms for passing and receiving referrals instantly
  • An online Referral Academy available 24/7 to dramatically improve your referral networking skills
  • Annual Awards nights creating deeper relationships and recognition across twelve categories
  • A place for you to grow your business as part of a like-minded, supportive business community
  • Development of special interest and sector based groups – women in business, health sector etc
  • And most importantly a focus on quality referrals that will drive increased sales for you

How to start a business in Australia

Monthly Networking Events

Key Business Connections run monthly networking events in Brisbane, Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast. Everyone is welcome to attend to get connected with other business people and to hear from amazing guest speakers.

The next events are:

Brisbane:                Friday 17th August

Sunshine Coast:     Friday 7th September

Gold Coast:            Friday 14th September

Testimonials from our Members

  • Michael Coward, Managing Director, Essential Technologies Group

    BforB has pushed me completely outside my comfort zone by giving me the opportunity to be a Moderator of a group, significantly improving my public speaking and confidence, and taking our business to a whole new level. You just never know who someone knows and when I asked my fellow BforB members for a referral to a Telco business I got a referral which has, so far, lead to in excess of $500,000 in contracted business. BforB has changed our sales strategy and we are now looking for strategic partners in our BforB group that we can cross refer and work together every fortnight at meetings for the benefit of our customers and each other – a win for all.

  • Jackie Strachan, Owner, HR Tactics

    As a startup, joining BforB quickly proved to be an essential part of my marketing mix. With all members operating as my very own sales team, I have continued to benefit not only from the referrals and long term business connections, but also the variety of professional development opportunities that come with being a member. “Activity and momentum bring results” as they say, and BforB keeps me accountable with fortnightly meetings where I get to hone my elevator pitch and learn business skills from fellow members, regular opportunities to present to the group on my business which has helped me focus my mind with regards to my key business messages and branding, and also the regular one-to-one meetings with fellow members. The business advice I’ve received through my BforB relationships has been invaluable, especially when you’re just starting off. I would advise anyone building a startup to come along to participate in a meeting as a guest just as I did. It could prove to be an essential part of your marketing mix too.

  • Rob Melin, Director, Australian Accounting & Franchising Professionals

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.  I stepped in BforB just over 3 years ago and what a great journey it has been.  But now, the journey has expanded to include the awesome Member Development Days.  I have found new ways to learn, from speakers that I have not heard before, in a relaxed and enjoyable environment, without having to pay to attend.  Now that is what I see as being a BforB member!

  • Ewan McKenzie, Director, BOLT Marketing

    Since joining BforB I have developed some extremely valuable relationships with other local businesses, all of whom are now an important part of my marketing mix. Within the first 3 months of being a member I generated approximately $40,000 worth of income directly from referrals given to me by other BforB members. In addition to the financial benefits I have gained since joining my fortnightly breakfast group, I have also learnt a considerable amount from other co-members through their various presentations and one-to-one meetings. If anyone is looking for a relaxed and enjoyable referral networking group to join, I would highly recommend taking a look at what BforB has to offer.


  • Michelle Currie, Finance Manager, Astute Redcliffe

    Fantastic value add to my BforB membership, the new Member Development Days (MDD) are full of professional keynote speakers. Whatever your industry, whatever the size of your business they have you covered. The day is thought provoking and inspiring to listen to successful people unfold the possibilities for you. I highly recommend these MDD events; they are included in your membership cost and give you the opportunity to get up close and personal with people who have been financially successful doing the work they are passionate about.

BforB: by the numbers

Information and key stats for the last financial year:
Average number of contacts of each BforB member locally, nationally and internationally
The total dollar value of the largest referral received so far in Australia
£40 million
The largest referral received in BforB internationally