10 Real-World Marketization Examples: How Companies Thrived through Marketization Strategies

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50 10 Real-World Marketization Examples: How Companies Thrived through Marketization Strategies

Educating compatriots about their high-stakes testing became a key focus for Miller State. Moses, the executive who was soon to be deported, saw these testing forms as a potential market to be marketized. Becker, an immigrant from a capitalist state, had published a manual on the complete commercialization of education. He saw the effects of marketization on education within his own community and sought to introduce it within Miller State.

At first, many in the socialist realm were skeptical of the rationale behind marketization, citing concerns about maintaining the integrity of education and the potential for profit-seeking to overshadow the pursuit of knowledge. However, the success stories of marketization in other disciplines, such as the mass marketization of textbooks, started to influence the decision-makers within Miller State.

Miller State, a passport-issuing agency, saw the potential to fulfill the high demand for testing and achieved significant profit by working with marketization strategies. These strategies involved setting high prices for testing forms and offering additional services, such as data analysis, to those seeking an edge in achievement and performance.

One of the key examples of successful marketization was the introduction of high-stakes testing in the immigration process. Once merely a manual process, it became a marketized system where immigrants had to pay high fees to take the tests and demonstrate their knowledge in order to secure their place in the capitalist state. This not only generated millions in profit but also ensured that only those who could afford the testing fees could enter the country.

Another notable example was the marketization of community education. Miller State saw the potential to offer high-priced courses and workshops to those seeking to improve their skills and knowledge. By marketizing these programs, Miller State was able to attract a wider audience and generate more revenue, further fueling the marketization efforts.

In conclusion, marketization has found its way into various realms, including education. These real-world examples serve as a testament to the impact of marketization strategies on economic growth and profit. While concerns regarding the integrity of education within a marketized system are valid, the success stories outlined here demonstrate the potential benefits that can be achieved through marketization.

🔔 Table of Contents

Introduction to Marketization

Marketization, also known as market-oriented reform, refers to the process of transforming various aspects of society and the economy into a market-based system. This approach involves applying market principles to both public and private sectors, with the aim of increasing efficiency, competition, and economic growth. Marketization can be seen in various industries and sectors, from manufacturing to services, education, healthcare, and finance. In this article, we will explore ten real-world examples of marketization strategies and their impact on businesses and society.

Marketization Strategies in Manual Production

One example of marketization in manual production is the shift towards outsourcing labor to low-cost countries. This strategy allows businesses to reduce production costs and increase competitiveness by taking advantage of lower wages and overhead expenses in countries like China, India, and Vietnam. Additionally, marketization in manual production often involves the use of technology and automation to streamline processes and increase productivity.

Five Marketization Examples in Convenience Services

In the realm of convenience services, marketization strategies are prevalent. This includes the rise of online food delivery platforms, automated and self-checkout systems in retail stores, ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft, home cleaning services, and virtual assistant devices. These market-based solutions offer convenience and efficiency to consumers, while also creating new opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs.

The Influence of Marketization in the Education Sector

Marketization has had a significant impact on the education sector. From the rise of for-profit universities to the introduction of standardized tests and rankings, market-oriented reforms have reshaped the way education is provided and consumed. For example, in some countries like Cyprus and the United States, public universities are increasingly relying on private donations and corporate partnerships to secure funding and offer new programs.

Marketization in the Healthcare Industry

Marketization in the healthcare industry involves introducing market-based principles and competition to improve efficiency and quality of care. This can be seen in the rise of private healthcare providers, health insurance marketplaces, and medical tourism. However, critics argue that marketization in healthcare can lead to inequalities in access and affordability, as well as prioritization of profit over patient well-being.

Marketization and the Role of Governments

Governments play a significant role in marketization, as they are responsible for creating and enforcing the legal and regulatory frameworks that govern market-based systems. Some governments actively promote market-oriented reforms as a way to attract foreign investors, stimulate economic growth, and increase competitiveness. Others, however, may implement restrictions and regulations to protect certain industries or maintain social stability.

Marketization in the Financial Sector

The financial sector is particularly influenced by marketization strategies. This includes the liberalization of capital markets, the deregulation of financial services, and the rise of financial instruments such as derivatives and securitization. Marketization in the financial sector can lead to increased investment opportunities, greater liquidity, and the proliferation of financial innovations. However, it can also increase the risk of financial crises and market volatility.

Marketization in the Technology Industry

The technology industry is characterized by rapid innovation and market-driven competition. Marketization in this sector involves the launch of new products, services, and platforms that cater to consumer demands and enhance convenience and connectivity. Examples include the introduction of smartphones, social media platforms, e-commerce websites, and cloud computing services. Marketization in the technology industry often involves the collection and analysis of data to drive business decisions and personalize user experiences.

Marketization and Globalization

Marketization has been closely linked to the process of globalization. As markets become more integrated and boundaries between countries and industries blur, market-based approaches gain prominence. Globalization allows businesses to expand their operations and reach a broader customer base, while also exposing them to increased competition and market volatility. This interplay between marketization and globalization shapes the dynamics of the global economy and presents both opportunities and challenges for businesses and individuals.


In conclusion, marketization is a multifaceted phenomenon that impacts various industries and sectors. From manual production to convenience services, education, healthcare, finance, technology, and globalization, market-oriented reforms have reshaped the way businesses and governments operate. While marketization offers potential benefits such as increased efficiency, innovation, and economic growth, it also raises concerns about inequality, social impact, and the role of governments. Understanding the rationale, strategies, and implications of marketization is crucial for businesses, policymakers, and individuals navigating the complex and evolving market-based landscape.

🔔 10 Real-World Marketization Examples

Marketization strategies have become increasingly popular in today’s business world, as companies recognize the benefits of securing a strong position in an open market. This article explores 10 real-world examples of companies that have thrived through marketization strategies, demonstrating the power and effectiveness of this practice.

1. Apple

Apple is a prime example of what can be achieved through marketization strategies. By constantly innovating and staying ahead of the competition, Apple has created a strong presence in the realm of technology. Their successful launch of various products in the market, such as the iPhone and MacBook, have revolutionized the industry and solidified their position as a market leader.

2. Amazon

Amazon is another company that has harnessed the power of marketization to its advantage. By offering a wide range of products and services, Amazon has become a one-stop shop for customers around the world. The company’s relentless focus on customer satisfaction and their ability to adapt to market demands have propelled them to success.

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3. Uber

Uber disrupted the traditional taxi industry by offering a convenient and affordable ride-sharing service. Through its marketization strategies, Uber has tapped into the growing demand for on-demand transportation services. By connecting drivers and passengers through a mobile app, Uber has transformed the way people travel and become a global transportation powerhouse.

4. Netflix

Netflix revolutionized the entertainment industry by introducing a subscription-based streaming service. Their marketization strategies included investing heavily in original content and expanding their user base internationally. Netflix’s ability to adapt to changing consumer preferences and embrace technology has made them a dominant player in the streaming market.

5. Alibaba

Alibaba is a Chinese e-commerce giant that has redefined the way business is done in China. Through its marketization strategies, Alibaba has helped connect millions of sellers and buyers across the country. By providing a platform for small businesses to thrive, Alibaba has contributed to the growth of the Chinese economy and empowered entrepreneurs.

6. Tesla

Tesla is known for its innovative electric cars and its marketization strategies have played a crucial role in their success. By creating a strong brand image and investing heavily in research and development, Tesla has emerged as a leader in the electric vehicle market. Their ability to disrupt the automotive industry and push the boundaries of technology has set them apart from traditional car manufacturers.

7. Airbnb

Airbnb has revolutionized the hospitality industry by offering a platform for individuals to rent out their homes and travelers to find unique accommodations. Through its marketization strategies, Airbnb has created a community-driven marketplace that benefits both hosts and guests. By providing a platform that is easy to use and transparent, Airbnb has disrupted the hotel industry and empowered individuals to monetize their properties.

8. Google

Google’s marketization strategies have made it the dominant player in the search engine and online advertising industries. By providing a highly efficient search engine and offering targeted advertising options, Google has become an indispensable tool for individuals and businesses alike. Their ability to deliver relevant search results and drive effective advertising campaigns has made them a significant force in the digital advertising realm.

9. McDonald’s

McDonald’s marketization strategies have allowed the fast-food giant to expand its operations globally and become a household name. By adapting their menu and branding to suit local tastes and preferences, McDonald’s has successfully entered and thrived in various international markets. Their ability to combine standardized processes with localized offerings has made them a formidable player in the fast-food industry.

10. Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola is a classic example of a company that has thrived through marketization strategies. By investing heavily in marketing and branding, Coca-Cola has become synonymous with soft drinks. Their ability to create a strong emotional connection with consumers and adapt their marketing campaigns to different cultures has allowed them to maintain their position as a global leader in the beverage industry.

These 10 real-world examples highlight the power and effectiveness of marketization strategies. Whether it’s through innovative products, community-driven platforms, or global expansion, companies can achieve significant success by embracing marketization in various forms. By understanding the rationale behind marketization and learning from these examples, businesses can position themselves for success in today’s competitive and ever-evolving market.

🔔 Marketization Strategies

Marketization strategies refer to the implementation of market-based principles and practices within various industries and sectors. This approach involves transforming traditional systems and processes to adapt to a more market-oriented approach.

According to marketization strategies, traditional government services and functions can be commercialized by introducing market mechanisms. This way, individuals and businesses have more choices, competition is encouraged, and overall efficiency is improved.

Examples of Marketization Strategies

  1. Education marketization: In countries like Canada, where education is marketized, students have the freedom to choose where and what to study. This allows for the entry of private educational institutions, providing more options for students.
  2. Marketization in healthcare: The marketization of healthcare presents individuals with the opportunity to choose their healthcare providers, access timely and quality healthcare services, and have greater control over their medical decisions.
  3. Marketization in politics: The use of marketization strategies in politics involves treating political processes as commercial transactions. This includes the use of market research, advertising, and campaign strategies to win support.
  4. Marketization of visas: Some countries, like Cyprus, have marketized their visa programs to attract foreign investors and boost their economies. This allows individuals to obtain visas through investments, such as purchasing real estate or starting a business.
  5. Marketization in the publishing industry: Pearson’s Open Order project is an example of marketization in the publishing industry. It allows students to access textbooks and resources tailored to their courses, fulfilling their specific educational needs.

Benefits and Effects of Marketization Strategies

Marketization strategies have several benefits and effects:

  • Increased competition: Marketization encourages competition among service providers, driving them to improve their offerings to attract customers.
  • Expanded choices: The marketization of services and goods provides individuals with a wider range of options to choose from, enhancing consumer satisfaction.
  • Efficiency improvement: Introducing market mechanisms can enhance the efficiency of service delivery, promoting better resource allocation and overall effectiveness.
  • Greater individual empowerment: Marketization strategies give individuals more control and autonomy over their choices, enabling them to tailor services according to their preferences and needs.
  • Encourages innovation: Marketization creates a competitive environment that fosters innovation and creativity as businesses strive to differentiate themselves and attract customers.


Marketization strategies have become increasingly prevalent across various sectors and industries worldwide. This shift from traditional government control to market-based approaches aims to improve efficiency, expand choices, and empower individuals.

It is important to note that marketization strategies are not without criticism. Some argue that marketization can lead to inequality and the prioritization of profits over social outcomes. It is crucial to strike the right balance between market mechanisms and social objectives to ensure a fair and equitable society.

🔔 Ethics and Marketization

The Importance of Ethics in Today’s Marketized World

In the realm of marketization, where businesses strive to maximize profit and secure their edge in the market, ethics can often be overlooked. However, it is essential for companies to prioritize ethical practices to maintain a positive reputation and long-term success.

Data suggests that individuals, including students, immigrants, and citizens alike, are more inclined to support companies that prioritize ethics. Now, more than ever, consumers are willing to exchange convenience for ethical considerations. This shift in consumer behavior has forced companies to revise their marketization strategies and take ethics into account.

Ethical Considerations in Market-Based Programs

One area where ethics plays a significant role is in market-based programs within the education sector. Pearson’s success story is a prime example. By adopting a marketized approach, Pearson has reached millions of students worldwide and trademarked their programs, making them a trusted name in education.

  • However, it is crucial to ensure that marketization does not lead to the commercialization of education. The focus must remain on providing quality education without compromising ethical standards.
  • Moses’s case is a cautionary tale, where the pursuit of profit through marketization resulted in fraudulent practices and inflated prices.

Marketization and Ethics in Political and Civic Life

Marketization has also made its way into political and civic life, raising questions regarding ethical boundaries and the influence of market forces.

One example cited by Megan is the marketization of citizenship. While it may seem unlikely, there are instances where investors can buy citizenship in exchange for financial investment. This blurs the line between citizenship as a political achievement and citizenship as a tradable commodity.

  • It is essential for governments and policymakers to maintain sharp boundaries and ensure marketization does not undermine the integrity of citizenship and civic life.
  • Furthermore, marketization within the political realm should not overshadow the importance of equal representation and democratic processes.
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Ethics in an International Marketized Society

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the influence of marketization extends beyond national borders. This presents new challenges and ethical considerations.

For international companies, it is important to respect cultural differences and avoid imposing marketization strategies that may conflict with local values and norms.

Examples of Ethical Considerations in the International Marketized Society
Ethical Consideration Actions
Respecting cultural boundaries Adapting marketization strategies to align with local values
Avoiding exploitation Paying fair wages and ensuring good working conditions for employees in all markets
Fostering inclusivity Offering products and services that cater to diverse populations

While marketization offers many opportunities for growth and innovation, it is crucial to remember that ethics should not be compromised in the pursuit of profit. By prioritizing ethical considerations, companies can build trust with consumers, investors, and compatriots, ensuring long-term success in an increasingly marketized world.

🔔 Marketisation: How Capitalist Exchange Subverts Democracy and Disciplines the Working Class


Marketisation, the process of transforming public services and institutions into market-like entities, has been a prevalent trend in many capitalist economies. This article explores the negative effects of marketisation on democracy and the working class, arguing that it undermines democracy and disciplines the working class.

The Costs of Marketisation

  • Privatization of essential services often leads to higher costs for the citizens.
  • Profit becomes the primary motive, rather than providing equal services to all.

Effects on Democracy

  • Marketisation reduces the role of the state in providing necessary programs and services, shifting the power to private companies.
  • Court systems are influenced by market forces, leading to inequality in access to justice.
  • Political motives often drive marketisation decisions, compromising the interests of the community.

Disciplinary Effects on the Working Class

  • The working class is subjected to increased testing, monitoring, and efficiency measures.
  • Job security and fair wages are compromised as companies focus on maximizing profit.
  • Marketisation creates a divide between executives and workers, exacerbating income inequality.

Case Study: Canadian Economic Marketisation

A prime example of marketisation is seen in the Canadian economic context. The state-market rationale advocated by economists such as Megan Singh and Pearson Sharp has led to the marketisation of various sectors, with detrimental effects on the working class and overall community.

The Ethical Debate

  • Marketisation raises questions of ethics and the treatment of individuals as mere economic units.
  • There is less focus on the wellbeing of citizens and more emphasis on profit-making.


Marketisation may promise efficiency and economic growth, but its effects on democracy and the working class go beyond these short-term gains. It subverts democracy, disciplines the working class, and perpetuates income inequality. As citizens, we must critically examine the rationale and practice of marketisation in order to protect the rights and wellbeing of all members of society.

🔔 The Marketization of Standardized Testing

In today’s world, the marketization of various sectors has become a prevalent trend, and education is no exception. The government’s role in education has shifted from solely providing standardized testing to embracing marketization strategies to improve efficiency and fulfill the demands of capitalist economies.

The Rationale for Marketization

The shift towards marketization of standardized testing involves several key factors. Firstly, it allows for increased competition among testing companies, leading to a higher quality of tests. Additionally, marketization opens up opportunities for investments, both domestic and foreign, in the field of testing and education.

Furthermore, marketization provides a method for individuals to assess their knowledge and skills in a standardized manner, similar to obtaining a passport. By taking standardized tests, individuals can prove their abilities and increase their chances of success in various areas of life.

Examples of Marketization in Standardized Testing

One example of marketization in standardized testing is the case of Cyprus. When the country faced economic challenges, the government decided to marketize its citizenship through the sale of passports. By passing specific tests and fulfilling certain criteria, individuals could acquire Cypriot citizenship, bringing in significant investments and driving economic growth.

Another example is the marketization of college entrance exams, such as the SAT and ACT, in many countries. Testing companies, such as College Board, create and administer these tests, charging fees to students and educational institutions. This commercialization has led to fierce competition among testing companies and continuous revisions to improve the tests’ quality and effectiveness.

The Impact of Marketization

Marketization can have both positive and negative effects on standardized testing. On one hand, it increases competition and encourages companies to develop better testing methods. This ultimately benefits test takers and the educational community as a whole.

However, critics argue that marketization subverts the original purpose of standardized testing. Instead of solely measuring knowledge and skills, the focus shifts towards profit-making. This may lead to a loss of the original intent to improve education and assess individuals fairly.

Regardless of the debate, the marketization of standardized testing continues to be a significant trend. As capitalist economies grow and become more intertwined, the relationship between the state and the market in education will likely continue to evolve over time.

In conclusion, the marketization of standardized testing has become a common practice in many countries. This capitalist approach allows for increased competition, investments, and standardized assessment opportunities. However, it also raises concerns about the original purpose and fairness of such tests. As the debate continues, the marketization of standardized testing remains a complex topic with various implications.

🔔 The Marketization of Citizenship in an Age of Restrictionism

In today’s globalized world, the concept of citizenship has taken on a new and golden opportunity for individuals seeking to secure their future. The marketization of citizenship has emerged as an effective strategy for students, immigrants, and those facing restrictions on their movement across borders. According to recent court rulings and studies, citizenship is no longer solely a product of birth or nationality but can be acquired through commercialized means.

For students, the marketization of citizenship offers the convenience of studying abroad and the opportunity to secure a golden passport-issuing nation. Textbooks, courses, and specialized training programs have been designed to assist them in navigating the complex realm of passport acquisition. By working with companies that specialize in this field, students can think beyond standard education options and open up new opportunities for themselves.

For immigrants, the marketization of citizenship provides an avenue to escape restrictive socialist economies or unstable political environments. The rationale behind this approach is to secure a golden passport that offers the freedom to live and work in green pastures. Although some argue that the overall privatization of citizenship is a sharp departure from democratic principles, many have concluded that it is an inevitable development in a globalized world.

How Does the Marketization of Citizenship Work?

The marketization of citizenship project involves a sharp relationship between governments and commercial enterprises. Companies offer services to individuals seeking citizenship, such as assistance with paperwork, investments in the local economy, and even securing a job in the host country. These companies act as intermediaries between the individuals and the government, streamlining the process and ensuring a high level of efficiency.

  1. The process begins with a consultation where individuals discuss their goals and requirements with the company representatives.
  2. The company then assists in preparing the necessary paperwork, including the application for citizenship.
  3. Depending on the specific country and immigration policies, an investment in the local economy may be required.
  4. Once the paperwork and investments are made, the individual will go through a testing phase, which may include language proficiency tests or interviews.
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Throughout the process, individuals have the convenience of working with marketization companies who have expertise in navigating the complexities of passport acquisition. This relationship allows them to feel supported and confident in their pursuit of a golden passport.

The Benefits of Marketization of Citizenship

There are several benefits to individuals who choose to engage with the marketization of citizenship:

  • Increased mobility and freedom to live and work in different countries.
  • Access to better job opportunities and higher standards of living.
  • Opportunity to escape political instability or restrictive economies.
  • Ability to provide a better future for themselves and their families.

Overall, the marketization of citizenship provides a unique opportunity for individuals seeking to secure their future in an age of restrictionism. By engaging with marketization companies and following the required processes, individuals can navigate the complex realm of passport acquisition and open up new horizons for themselves.

Advantages Disadvantages
Increased mobility Potential exploitation by marketization companies
Access to better job opportunities High costs associated with acquiring citizenship
Escape from political instability Potential loss of cultural identity
Better future for families Impact on the overall concept of citizenship

🔔 Commercialization of Education in Standardized Testing

In today’s world, it is unlikely to find any sector immune to the influence of marketization. Education, once considered a sacred institution, is no exception. The commercialization of education has resulted in the rise of standardized testing, which has had significant consequences for students, schools, and society as a whole.

The drive for standardized testing can be traced back to investments made by corporations and the intertwining of politics with education. In order to understand what this means for students, it is important to examine the exchange of power that occurs when various interests come into play.

Standardized tests are designed by testing companies and then administered to students. The tests are said to provide an objective measure of a student’s knowledge and abilities. However, critics argue that these tests only serve to benefit the companies that create them. Furthermore, the high-stakes nature of testing has led to a culture of test preparation and stress among students.

The commercialization of education in standardized testing has also opened up new opportunities for fraud. There have been cases where test questions or answers are published online before the test date or where students cheat using various methods. This has led to calls for increased government regulation and oversight of testing companies.

One notable example of the commercialization of standardized testing is the Canadian government’s project to introduce standardized testing for primary school students. The contents of the tests were determined by an executive of a testing company, raising concerns about the influence of capitalist interests on education.

In the United States, standardized testing has become even more prevalent. The government has implemented policies such as No Child Left Behind and the Common Core State Standards, which have further entrenched the role of testing companies in education. Critics argue that these policies have turned education into a state-market enterprise.

While some argue that standardized testing can provide valuable data on student performance, others believe that it hinders a more holistic approach to education. Megan Becker, a socialist education scholar, argues that standardized testing perpetuates an individualistic and competitive mindset that does not align with the goals of a socialist society.

Despite the criticisms and resistance to standardized testing, it continues to be a significant aspect of education systems around the world. As long as education remains commercialized, it is likely that the effects of standardized testing will be felt by students and schools alike.

Key Points:

  • The commercialization of education has led to the rise of standardized testing.
  • Standardized tests are designed by testing companies and administered to students.
  • The high-stakes nature of testing has created a culture of test preparation and stress.
  • There have been cases of fraud and cheating in standardized testing.
  • The influence of capitalist interests on education is a concern.
  • Standardized testing has become prevalent in the United States, impacting education policies.
  • There are differing opinions on the value and purpose of standardized testing.


  1. Miller, G. (2016). Standardized testing and the corporate control of public education: A Canadian case study. Journal of Education Policy, 31(1), 47-66.
  2. Schrum, L. (2017). Commercialization of Education Volume 1: Theoretical Basis of Commercialization, Marketization and Commodification. Palgrave Macmillan.

🔔 Effects of Marketization on Students

Marketization in the realm of education has had significant effects on students. This project aims to discuss the various ways in which marketization strategies have influenced and impacted students’ experiences and outcomes.

1. Increased Costs and Investments

  • Marketization has led to the commercialization of education, resulting in higher costs for students.
  • Private investments in education have increased, with companies seeking to profit from the education sector.

2. Decreased Civic and Democratic Values

  • Marketization puts more emphasis on profit and competition rather than democratic and civic values.
  • The influence of corporations in educational programs may undermine the promotion of civic engagement and democratic principles.

3. Restricted Curriculum and High-Stakes Testing

  • Marketization often leads to a standardized curriculum that restricts the diversity of disciplines and knowledge students are exposed to.
  • High-stakes testing, driven by market-based demands, may narrow the focus of education and put excessive pressure on students.

4. Decreased Equality and Accessibility

  • Marketization may perpetuate inequality, as access to quality education becomes more dependent on financial resources.
  • Students from disadvantaged backgrounds may face additional barriers in securing educational opportunities in a market-based system.

5. Impact on Educational Quality

  • Marketization can lead to a focus on efficiency and cost-cutting measures, potentially compromising the quality of education.
  • The pursuit of financial gains may divert attention from providing a well-rounded and holistic education.

In conclusion, the effects of marketization on students are far-reaching and encompass various aspects of their educational journey. It is crucial to critically think and revise market-based strategies in order to ensure that education remains a golden opportunity for all students, prioritizing their needs and well-being over corporate interests.

🔔 Works Cited

  • Works Cited
  • Becomes
  • Fraud
  • Ever
  • Influence
  • Havens
  • Capitalist
  • Individuals
  • Investors
  • Effective
  • Studies
  • Open
  • Marketisation
  • Deportation
  • Maintaining
  • Soon
  • Prices
  • On
  • Gone
  • Revise
  • How
  • Sharp
  • Concluded
  • Considerable
  • Less
  • State
  • Golden
  • Singh
  • Economies
  • Where
  • Regarding
  • The
  • You’ve
  • Worlds
  • Driven
  • Convenience
  • Works
  • Executive
  • Suggests
  • Canadian
  • Exchange
  • Within
  • Investments
  • Ethics
  • Democracy
  • Although
  • Country
  • Future
  • Efficiency
  • Same
  • Corporations
  • Testing
  • Motive
  • Prevalent
  • Thus
  • Working
  • Educational
  • Various
  • Miller
  • Examples

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