We are a very active group of businesses building a strong sense of community between us. We follow a structured agenda for our meetings, on which we have built a solid foundation of relationships and referrals. We work on the principle that each of us brings at least 250 business contacts within our network, to which we can connect our colleagues to add value.
We meet every Thursday morning for breakfast- 7:15am start for a 9:00am finish.
We are seeking like-minded businesses that wish to be part of a friendly and dynamic group of businesses keen to grow through referrals, strategic alliances, and shared business opportunities. We operate on the principle of getting to know, like and trust our colleagues, so we are confident in passing quality referrals. The group would welcome you to come along and meet us, see if we are a fit for your business and can add value to your marketing mix.
Businesses we are looking to work with are:
- Business Broker
- Family Lawyer
- Commercial Lawyer
- Marketing Specialist
- Printer
- Residential Real Estate Agent
- Photographer/Videographer
- Personal Trainer
- Phone & Data Specialist
- Recruiter
- Plumber
BforB Australia
We meet every other Thursday at 7:15amWhere:
Barcella Restaurant, Lakeside Blvd Victoria Point, 4165Contact:
Maree Malouf on 0417199063 or [email protected]Group Members - Redlands Thursday Breakfast- Weekly
Phone : 0417199063
Mobile : 0417199063
Email : [email protected]
Website : http://www.relationshipdynamics.global
Facebook : http://www.fb.me/https://www.facebook.com/maree.malouf
Linked In : https://www.linkedin.com/in/https://www.linkedin.com/in/maree-malouf-87721511b
WorkPlace Dynamics Global (a division of Relationship Dynamics Global) has been created from the belief that all of us, when at work, need to grow our relationships from the “ground level” up if there is to be any chance of long-term success.
Its aim is to remove, as much as possible, the potential for disruption through awareness, acceptance, learning, and growing in all workplaces. With empathy and engagement, through knowledge and wisdom, comes success.
WorkPlace Dynamics Global focuses on assisting organisations and those employed at all levels within them learn how to understand, accept and appreciate the value that each have to offer within the workplace ... when team members begin to engage effectively, the outcome is improved staff harmony and enhanced organisational productivity.
WorkPlace Dynamics Global draws upon a unique combination of neuroscience, emotional intelligence, positive psychology, behavioural/cognitive awareness, neuro-linguistic programming, the i-Ching, multiple brain integration technique, and multiple brain-dance integration, all aimed, in combination, at assisting individuals and teams engage and empower at a level most never experience.
How can Relationship Dynamics Global, via WorkPlace Dynamics, work with your organisation as “part of your team” towards developing increased staff harmony and enhanced organisational productivity.
Email Maree at [email protected] to arrange a phone call, zoom, skype or face to face for a chat. We are looking forward to chatting with you.
Phone : 1800774756
Mobile : 0402720613
Email : [email protected]
Website : www.cubeloans.com.au
Facebook : http://www.fb.me/https://www.facebook.com/cubehomeloans/
Linked In : https://www.linkedin.com/in/https://www.linkedin.com/in/cubehomeloans/
Twitter : @https://twitter.com/teamc
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