BforB Australia

grow your business through referrals

What is BforB?

BforB is a professional business networking organisation, committed to helping small to medium businesses expand. In our professional network, members meet regularly in localised business networks to develop relationships, support each other and to share and record referral business.

Members in BforB Australia, regularly receive significant referral business to assist in the growth of their businesses and to increase profits.

Members and guests also receive regular education and business ideas from like-minded business owners and professional speakers.

BforB is well known as a very supportive and ‘user friendly’ networking group.

The philosophy of ‘Pay it Forward’ is very important when businesspeople are working together in a professional network. BforB encourages its members and supporters to share knowledge, to give support and referrals without the expectation to receive the same immediately.

We want to help businesses grow!

  • Growth through helping business owners to connect and build business relationships and from there referrals and strategic alliances will take place.
  • Growth through regular professional and personal development.
  • Growth through support from other members and leaders of BforB

More than just referrals,
BforB Delivers:

  • Professional and personal development through regular guest speakers and workshops
  • Leadership roles within BforB and supporting you in managing teams and KPIs
  • The opportunity to set goals and work with a support team to achieve and EXCEED your business and personal goals
  • Building a network of referral partners and strategic alliances to deliver real results
  • The opportunity to promote your business regularly to your virtual/extended sales team and online
  • BforB App and online platforms for passing and receiving referrals instantly
  • An online Referral Academy available 24/7 to dramatically improve your referral networking skills
  • Awards nights and regular social events, creating deeper relationships and recognition across the network.
  • A place for you to grow your business as part of a like-minded, supportive business community
  • Development of special interest and sector-based groups – women in business, health sector etc
  • And very importantly, a focus on quality referrals that will drive increased sales for you
Business Networking BforB

Our core values

To accelerate the growth of businesses in Australia and beyond.

Relationship Building
Meeting and connecting with others are the first steps in networking.
The real value of being a part of our BforB community is getting to KNOW, LIKE and TRUST others and developing deep strong business relationships with others.
Community is the bases of humanity and we all have a yearning to be part of a community.
Showing gratitude and humility towards others in our community helps us to work collaboratively, support & encourage others and accomplish more together.
Continual Learning and Growth
Knowledge empowers people to be able to make informed decisions in their business and learning helps us to move forward and expand.
We value learning from others and tapping into the resources around us.
Personal and business relationships are built on trust!
We encourage our members to be open, transparent and authentic to foster and build trust between members.
Pay it Forward
The philosophy of ‘Pay it Forward’ is very important when businesspeople are working together in a professional network. We encourage our members and supporters to share knowledge and referrals and give support without the expectation to receive the same immediately.
Being accountable to oneself and to others forms the foundation of a powerful business network. This creates respectful and supportive members within the community.
We value those who always respect themselves and others. Being courteous when interacting with others makes for a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Our mission is to provide an innovative and supportive environment where businesspeople are inspired to grow and to assist others to do the same.
Our culture and core values strongly reflect our mission.


BforB looks for leaders in our community to work with businesses to help them grow and expand

Julie & Doug Bannister
Julie & Doug Bannister

With over 11 years experience of establishing and growing network groups in SE Queensland, Doug & Julie know what it takes to build a supportive business community where ‘the people matter’ and growth of the business is number one priority.

Julie is assisting our leaders to build local business network groups, to create the most supportive and friendly community of business people in Australia, helping businesses to grow and expand.

Connect with us
Contact us to help you become a part of our supportive and friendly business community 
PO Box 2164. Graceville East. QLD 4075