BforB Referrals that turn into business BforB Australia's Fastest Growing Business Networking Group LEARN MORE bforb australia's fastest growing business networking group MORE BUSINESS LEARN MORE THROUGH BETTER REFERRALS Focused on strengthening micro, small and medium business across Australia

Grow Your Business through Referrals, Networking and Building Relationships

How Can BforB Help You?

Are you looking to increase your connections and expand your client base or strategic partners?

Then maybe it is the right time to take your place in Australia’s fastest growing Business Support network. This is where relationships matter, and referrals make a difference, where we support your business, and help you turn wishes into goals, and dreams into reality.

The BforB Business Model is based on the concept of growth of the business (and the businessperson) through support, providing personal and professional development and referral-based networking. This is where groups of businesspeople meet regularly to create and foster strong relationships based on respect, trust and a great understanding of what each member delivers in their business. Members of BforB are encouraged to build relationships and possibly form alliances with members of their own group and other BforB groups throughout Australia.

Business Networking Group BforB Australia

Focused on strengthening micro, small and medium business across Australia

Relationship Building

Helping you to build strong business relationships with people across many industries.

Business Growth

Driving business growth for you through introductions, trusted relationships and quality referrals.

Strategic Alliances

Helping you to identify strategic alliances for your business to improve profitability

Skills Development

Dramatically improving your skills in pitching, networking, selling and many more business related areas


Helping you to grow your business through achieving and exceeding your goals, resulting in more cash in your bank.

bforb business networking group

BforB Business Model is based on the concept of growth of the business through support, providing personal and professional development and referral-based networking..

In May 2018, Doug and Julie Bannister purchased BforB Australia from Sarah Cobb. 

Previously, Doug and Julie had been running Key Business Network (KBN), another business to business networking organization. They had founded KBN in November 2008 and at the time of buying BforB, they had built the organization to 13 groups in SE Qld. 

With the amalgamation with KBN, BforB Australia currently has 19 business network groups in SE Qld, 1 in Melbourne and 2 in Adelaide. 


BforB Networkers of the Year

Referrer of the Year - Amanda Diaz - Star Express Cleaning & Property Services
of the Year
Amanda Diaz
Star Express Cleaning & Property Services
Networker of the Year - Kayleigh Whittaker - NB Lawyers
of the Year
Kayleigh Whittaker
NB Lawyers
rand Ambassador - Greg Beerling - NRCHI
Greg Beerling
Key Supporter Award KBN/BforB - Justin Bayliss
Key Supporter Award KBN/BforB
Justin Bayliss


Information and key stats for the last financial year:
Average number of contacts of each BforB member locally, nationally and internationally
The total dollar value of the largest referral received so far in Australia
The largest referral received in BforB internationally


The Four Bs of Business

All businesses have their own unique identities and challenges, however it’s important to note that for the person behind the…

Testimonials from our Members

Michael Coward, Managing Director, Essential Technologies Group
Michael Coward
Essential Technologies Group
Managing Director

BforB has pushed me completely outside my comfort zone by giving me the opportunity to be a Moderator of a group, significantly improving my public speaking and confidence, and taking our business to a whole new level. You just never know who someone knows and when I asked my fellow BforB members for a referral to a Telco business I got a referral which has, so far, lead to in excess of $500,000 in contracted business. BforB has changed our sales strategy and we are now looking for strategic partners in our BforB group that we can cross refer and work together every fortnight at meetings for the benefit of our customers and each other – a win for all.

Australian accounting and franchising professionals BforB networking brisbane
Rob Melin
Australian Accounting & Franchising Professionals

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.  I stepped in BforB just over 3 years ago and what a great journey it has been.  But now, the journey has expanded to include the awesome Member Development Days.  I have found new ways to learn, from speakers that I have not heard before, in a relaxed and enjoyable environment, without having to pay to attend.  Now that is what I see as being a BforB member!

Ben Tucker
Bond Plumber
Team Leader

As a fairly new member to the Lunch group at BforB Southport, I can already say Bond Plumbing has benefitted from being a part of BforB and the support network.
My line of work relies heavily of word of mouth, when we do a good job, people talk about it. This group is based on that principle and we know this is the best way to get Bond plumbing out there.
Our goal is to expand our company, and we can achieve this with the help of BforB.
It’s great to get involved more personally with a range of professionals, it really opens more doors for referring more of the right people.
BforB has helped Bond plumbing and me personally. In meeting with the other professional members, I ask them what they offer and what they are looking for as a client. And of course, I get to do the same.
BforB is a group of friendly people, keen to hear what you have to say. It’s a great way to get Bond plumbing in the spotlight.